Innovative and adaptable health services researcher, adept at employing evidence-informed and partnership approaches to program development, implementation, and evaluation. Lead, collaborate, and mentor with client-centred focus. Energized by evidence, data analysis, and critical thinking for driving quality improvement. Welcome opportunities that integrate research findings and meaningful partnerships for positively shaping outcomes, healthcare services, and healthcare systems.
My research focus includes measurement and evaluation, patient and family engagement, and knowledge mobilization. Expert in design of assessment questionnaires, psychometrics, and using a mix of qualitative and quantitative study designs in health services research.
BC Ministry of Health
CIHR-MSFHR Health Systems Impact Fellow
Program Evaluation
University of British Columbia
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Health Services and Knowledge Translation
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Measurement and Methods
Thesis: Measurement of illness perception and behaviour along a continuum of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a transdisciplinary approach
Master of Science (MSc)
Health and Rehabilitation Science, Physical Therapy
Thesis: Activity-modifying behaviour in people with knee pain: a secondary analysis
Research Interests
Trained in health services and knowledge translations research, Dr. Hamilton has become a leader in the patient and family caregiver engagement. He has applied principles of meaningful patient and family engagement from his research to lead and support the design and improvement of patient and family advisory committees.
Measurement and evaluation. Design valid and reliable self-reported measures using sophisticated psychometric theories. Develop frameworks to support evaluation of patient and family engagement.
Patient and family engagement. Design evidence-based tools to guide the practice and evaluation of patient of family engagement.
Knowledge mobilization. Conduct systematic reviews, develop evidence-based tools for evaluation and meaningful engagement, and integrate evidence and collaboration into the design of health services and healthcare systems.